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Access Control 6: Real Inputs's image

Access Control 6: Real Inputs

This final step shows you how to work with real inputs. For simplicity, all previous project iterations implemented the exit button and the door open sensor as keypad buttons. This is convenient for testing, but real life requires wiring a real button and an actual sensor to your TPS. In this project's configuration, external inputs are wired in through Tibbit #00-1 (four direct IO lines).

Scheduler's image


You already know that periodic actions can be implemented using Periodic Timers. For actions that must happen periodically but do not necessarily fit into a simple "every X seconds" pattern, the Scheduler may be used. Schedules are configured on the Scheduler page of the Features tab. The corresponding event block is called On Scheduled Event.

Settings's image


This project introduces a new storage type -- settings. Settings are kept in your device's EEPROM. They are referred to as "persistent storage" because they retain their values even when the device is powered off. Settings are incredibly important, as they provide a way to store your application's operating parameters.

Setting Initialization's image

Setting Initialization

As you already know, settings are stored in the EEPROM. They are used to keep the operating parameters of your application. Settings retain their values even if your device is powered down or rebooted. Thus, there is no such thing as routinely initializing the settings at boot -- something that always happens to regular variables.

Timers's image


This application introduces timers. When a timer is preloaded with a value greater than zero, it counts down at the rate of one count per second. Once the timer reaches zero, it generates an event.

Periodic Timers's image

Periodic Timers

AppBlocks has another type of timer called a periodic timer. Unlike the plain (one-shot) timers discussed in the previous topics, periodic timers:

Variables and Arithmetic's image

Variables and Arithmetic

This project is the first one that "gives you a reason" to open the Features tab. Nested between the Hardware configuration and AppBlocks (dynamic behavior) tabs, the Features tab comprises a collection of pages that define everything that is permanent in your project. Your application's variables are one such entity in the sense that variables are not created and deleted dynamically but exist as a static list.

Hello, World's image

Hello, World

Welcome to your first AppBlocks lesson. Naturally, this is the "Hello, World" of AppBlocks.

Date & Time Formatting's image

Date & Time Formatting

This project takes the previous application -- Scheduler -- and adds a date and time formatting step. This is achieved through the use of the DateTime Formatter. Click on this block to see all formatting options.

Responding to Inputs's image

Responding to Inputs