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· 2 min read

Heya, Folks,

It's been a while since our last dispatch, so it's only fitting that we return to actively working on the Blog with a post called "A Simple Serial Dispatcher." Apologies for being silent for so long—we've been super busy cooking up a massive update to the AppBlocks platform. This is a scope-changing thing for the entire project, so stay tuned for further announcements. As for now, let's talk about that "dispatcher."

· One min read

Greetings, Folks,

You already know that the AppBlocks platform facilitates fast, code-free, visual development of IoT and Industrial Control applications.

Following this release, we now have two distinct components under the AppBlocks umbrella: the AppBlocks Designer (ABD) and the AppBlocks Cloud (ABC). The AppBlocks designer, formerly AppBlocks, facilitates fast, code-free, visual development of IoT and Industrial Control applications. The AppBlocks Cloud takes the AppBlocks concept even further by enabling the management of devices deployed in the field.

· 2 min read

Heya, Folks,

Tibbo has just released Tibbit #62, a two-channel 1-wire/single-wire interface module.

Requiring only 2- or 3-wire cables and supporting long cable lengths, 1-wire digital temperature sensors offer a reliable, cost-effective solution for building automation, precision agriculture, industrial control, and other applications requiring multipoint temperature measurement. Where temperature and humidity sensing is called for, installers can opt for single-wire DHT11 and DHT22 devices.

Tibbit #62 features two identical individually configurable channels. Each channel can accommodate up to sixteen 1-wire sensors or a single DHT11 or DHT22 sensor.

We've already implemented comprehensive Tibbit #62 support in the AppBlocks platform. As the walkthrough above shows, adding 1-wire/single-wire functionality to your project only takes a few minutes. AppBlocks automatically generates all the code required to support 1-wire and single-wire devices, including an HTML configuration page for discovering and assigning 1-wire sensors wired to a TPS device. This web interface is an indispensable tool for connecting, removing, and servicing the sensors in the field.

· One min read

You can now create workspaces for your team to collaborate in projects.

Workspaces consist of an owner, participating members, and applications that belong to the workspace.

All members can view and edit applications that belong to the workspace. Changes, however, are last write wins so we advise only one user make changes to the application at any point.

· 2 min read

Heya, Folks,

AppBlocks now supports creating application snapshots. Each snapshot represents a complete copy of your project as it was at the moment of the snapshot creation. Snapshots are stored in the AppBlocks cloud. They are a bit like GIT commits.

Snapshots are saved under your project's version names. The current version of your project is shown next to your project's name. It comes from the General page of the Features tab.

Current Version

Project versions are in the SemVer format — major.minor.revision. You can freely advance versions, but you can't go back. For example, if you already have a snapshot bearing the version of 1.2.3, your next version could be 1.2.4, 1.3.0, or 10.10.10, but not 1.2.2 or 1.1.3.

To create a new snapshot, click the version link and select Create Snapshot. The version first displayed in the dialog comes from the General Page. You can edit it on the General Page, or right in the dialog.

New Snapshot

After a snapshot is made, the current version number will be incremented. For example, if you saved your project as 3.14.20, the current version will be advanced to 3.14.21.

To view all available snapshots, click the version link and select Snapshots.

All Snapshots

You can revert to the project state of any given snapshot by clicking the View button for this snapshot.

Snapshots are read-only. To branch off of any a snapshot:

  • Switch to viewing the project state for this snapshot
  • Copy the JSON file (Menu > Configuration, then copy the entire text)
  • Go back to the current state (Version > Snapshots > (Current Version) View)
  • Paste the JSON file (Menu > Configuration, paste the entire text, then click Load)
JSON file

· One min read

Greetings, Folks,

You can now set breakpoints in AppBlocks! The execution will pause when it reaches a block with a breakpoint on it.

Block Debugging

· One min read

Hi There, Folks,

AppBlocks' Device Explorer (V1.5.9) now supports uploading your application or TiOS firmware to multiple devices simultaneously.

Device Explorer

· One min read

Greetings, Folks,

Compact as most AppBlocks projects are, their readability can always improve with a good layout. Now you can tidy up your projects by spreading them across multiple tabs.

Canvas Tabs
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