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Fuel and Grain Depots

Fuel and grain storage facilities are vital components of the global supply chain, ensuring efficient handling and distribution of these essential commodities. They store the strategic reserves, act as a buffer against market volatility or geopolitical uncertainty, and enable the seamless transition between upstream production and downstream consumption. Both grain and fuel storage are associated with elevated fire and explosion risks, which must be carefully managed. In grain storage, maintaining optimal conditions is also crucial for preserving quality and preventing spoilage, which directly impacts food security.

Tibbo Project System (TPS) devices are perfect for creating oil and grain depot monitoring systems. At the same time, the AppBlocksĀ® no-code development platform facilitates the cost-effective design of related TPS applications.

Fuel and Grain Level Sensing

Level sensing measures the amount of oil or grain stored in each tank or bin. Level sensing is accomplished by measuring the distance to the oil surface or grain "surface" using an ultrasonic distance meter. These devices are supplied in various application-optimized versions and can be purchased in RS232 or analog voltage output variants. Tibbo Project System (TPS) devices interface to both sensor types, and the AppBlocks platform enables rapid development of level monitoring applications for the storage depot industry.

Temperature Monitoring

During warmer months, solar radiation and outside air can significantly heat the surfaces of fuel tanks and grain bins, leading to dangerous temperature increases inside. Additionally, for grain storage facilities, grains continue to respire after harvest, consuming oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide, water, and heat. This biological process can raise the temperature of the grain mass, particularly when the moisture content is high, which is conducive to respiration and microbial activity. The above carries significant pressure, fire, and explosion risks. Tibbo Project System (TPS) works with several types of temperature sensors, both from Tibbo and third parties. Supported sensor types include Tibbits (modules installed inside of TPS devices) for measuring ambient and contact temperatures, Tibbo Cable Probes (I2C interface), Modbus sensors, as well as 1-wire and Single-wire devices. The AppBlocks platform provides an efficient path for integrating these sensors into TPS applications.

Humidity Monitoring

In grain depots, high moisture levels can lead to the development of hot spots, where temperatures rise due to microbial activity. This reduces the grain quality and may lead to fires and explosions. Owing to the excellent support of Modbus devices on the AppBlocks platform, Modbus moisture sensors offered by third parties can be easily combined with Tibbo Project System (TPS) controllers.


Poor ventilation of grain storage facilities can pose significant dangers: Without proper ventilation, moisture can accumulate within the grain mass, leading to increased humidity levels. This creates an environment conducive to the growth of molds and bacteria, which can spoil the grain. Poor ventilation can lead to the accumulation of combustible dust within storage facilities. This poses a fire and explosion risk, especially in confined spaces where dust particles may ignite when mixed with air. Inadequate ventilation may also result in the buildup of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide or ammonia, which can be dangerous to workers entering the storage areas. Tibbo Project System products can control the ventilation systems using relays, Modbus, or analog outputs.